Dr. Lo Sprague
“Lo” is the current President of The Guibord Center. She has dedicated her life to enabling others to find and follow the best within themselves. A recently-retired Jungian-oriented psychotherapist, she lives with her two "Little Lions" and works passionately to protect the lives and freedom of all animals.
At the Dawn of a New Decade
2019 - A Year of Heartbreak and Resilience
In the Beginning: Experiencing What Connects Us
Jainism: How Jains See Animals
Dr. Amy-Jill Levine on the Bible, Women and Violence
Faiths that Fast: A Discussion of the Spiritual Practice of Fasting
Judaism and Animals
Expanding the Table with Buddhist-Christian and Hindu-Christian Dialogues
"Animals, Faith and Compassion" The Journey Begins
Phase One: The Filming - The Project Begins in Earnest