In this special season for our many faith traditions of taking stock and counting one’s blessings, we of The Guibord Center want to take the opportunity to express our gratitude for each of you. You have been with us with love and great kindness through the painful loss this year of our beloved founder, the Rev. Dr. Gwynne Guibord. You have each continued to enrich and magnify our work in so many ways to see her vision thrive. We – every member of the team – thank you profoundly.

This year has once more been filled with hardship and cruelty for many. It has been an angry and hurtful time when we have been urged to turn upon one another. And yet, together we have resisted that pressure. Rooted in the spiritual strength at the heart of our many faiths and in faith in each other, we have come together throughout this year to support and celebrate the goodness and specialness of one another. We commit to you to continue to do so in the decade that is just dawning.

The Guibord Center will always lead with hope in the power of compassion, with belief in the decency of the other even in the midst of despair. We stand resolutely for the dignity and inclusion of the stranger.

WHY? Because each of us – each of you – is truly a reflection of the Holy, of the sacred force within all beings that unites us.

We look forward with excitement to 2020, to the beginning of this new decade, when together we will take Gwynne’s vision to a whole new level. So as we greet the New Year, let us commit to one another to dig deep and lead with our best selves… recognizing that the legacy of the one heart we share gives us our strength and will outlive us all.