Blog Posts: Interfaith Panel Discussions

Beyond the Veil: Life After Death Part 2

The Guibord Center’s Interfaith panel discussion on life after death took place in two sessions: morning and afternoon. The afternoon session offered the perspectives of the Hindu, Buddhist and Sikh traditions.Buddhism Venerable Miao Hsi from Hsi Lai Temple explained...

Beyond the Veil: Life After Death Part 1

The Guibord Center’s Interfaith panel discussion on life after death took place in two sessions: morning and afternoon. The morning session focused on the perspectives of the Abrahamic faith traditions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.Judaism Rabbi Neil Comess-Daniels...

There’s Something About Mary, the Mother of Jesus

There is something about Mary, mother of Jesus, that we experience but cannot explain. It appears in the countless stories of her reaching across different faiths and boundaries to touch those seeking solace and compassion in a world heavy with grief. We discover Mary...