TGC Recommends – Encouraging Interfaith Awareness for Young People and their Families

Interfaith Educational Resources Winter 2019

Interfaith Educational Resources Winter 2019

INTERFAITH FAMILY RESOURCES We are starting to encounter more resources for interfaith families, and although the majority are for Abrahamic inter-marrieds (Christian, Jewish, Muslim), a few are for couples from any faith tradition.  We are always open to suggestions...

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Interfaith Educational Resources Winter 2019

Interfaith Educational Resources Fall 2018

Kids and Families Muslim - Christian Interfaith Families A new Facebook group that meets the needs of English-speaking Muslim- Christian families and couples in North America for connection and a place to ask honest questions. Shaan Akbar (Muslim) bring his expertise...

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Interfaith Educational Resources Spring 2018

Interfaith Educational Resources Spring 2018

For Kids and Families Faith by Maya Ajmera, Magda Nakassis and Cynthia Won.  Picture book with beautiful color photos and simple language that features children praying, celebrating holy days, clothing, initiation into their faith traditions, ritual...

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