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Ten Things You Can Do (to Address and Prevent Domestic Violence)
Dr. Amy-Jill Levine from The Bible, Women and Violence
Urge clergy to preach on these particular biblical passages in every church and synagogue.
Genesis Chapter 3
Ephesians Chapter 5
I Peter Chapter 3
Ezekiel Chapter 16
Genesis Chapter 19 and Chapter 34
Judges Chapter 11 and Chapter 19
II Samuel Chapter 13
Revelations Chapter 2
And afterwards give victims or families lists of local resources.
The Guibord Center invites you to use Dr. Amy-Jill Levine’s “The Bible, Women and Violence” video as a topic for further conversations
Get resources for victims in every single public space
including in the back of the stalls in the women’s bathrooms (so when women use the facility, they can discreetly pull off a little number and know who to call). Two flyers are available left, both in English and Spanish, one with tear-off strips, one without.
Download the PDF by clicking on the flyer and saving to your computer.
Give clergy in-depth instructions on how to deal with questions of domestic abuse.
FaithTrust Institute, a national, multifaith, multicultural training and education organization with global reach works to end sexual and domestic violence. Founded in 1977 by the Rev. Dr. Marie M. Fortune, FaithTrust Institute offers a wide range of services and resources, including training, consulting and educational materials. They provide communities and advocates with the tools and knowledge they need to address the religious and cultural issues related to abuse. They work with many communities, including Asian and Pacific Islander, Buddhist, Jewish, Latino/a, Muslim, Black, Anglo, Indigenous, Protestant and Roman Catholic.
Make sure clergy contact the local mental health association to learn who the (appropriate) professionals are and how to refer to them.
Urge police and clergy to work together.
Get better funding and better protection for women’s shelters.
Lobby for anger management programs in prisons.
Get more support for families – and not just victims – including families of perpetrators.
Get our country’s priorities straight. LOBBY FOR FUNDING. PRAY. VOTE.
“The very fact that (The Guibord Center) has invited me to give this talk and that you (the audience) have shown up on a beautiful afternoon when you could be playing golf or heaven knows what and you are coming to listen to a talk on the Bible and domestic violence, suggests to me that there are people here in Los Angeles who care about this. MAKE OTHER PEOPLE CARE!
“Because it is in every family, in every neighborhood, and the more people who care, the more resources the victims will have, the more programs the perpetrators will be able to enter, and the more likely it is that we will be able to at least make some sort of improvement.
“Will we be able to stop it all? Of course not, but can we cut the rate? Absolutely! The fact that you are here so encourages me. Thank you so much!” -Dr. Amy-Jill Levine