What came to mind for me was that I put my heart energy through my hands (which are energy conductors) into the stone hearts. Therefore,...
Blog Posts: takeheart
Carry a Couple of Hearts
Rather than give the hearts out to my family, which was my first thought when I took them, I want to give them out to those I think could...
Thank You for the Heart
Dear Lo Thank you for the heart. My friend really liked it. love Bridgette (aged 12)
Heart Energy
What came to mind for me was that I put my heart energy through my hands (which are energy conductors) into the stone...
Carry a Couple of Hearts
Rather than give the hearts out to my family, which was my first thought when I took them, I want to give them out to...
Thank You for the Heart
Dear Lo Thank you for the heart. My friend really liked it. love Bridgette (aged 12)
The Guibord Center’s Heart Campaign
"The Guibord Center’s heart campaign is the new Hands Across America…except this effort will have a greater and deeper...
We All Share the Energy of One Heart
“I hold this heart in my hand when I reach into my pocket – that simple act reminds me of who I am and reminds me that...