Rev. Dr. Tanya Sadagopan is an ordained United Church of Christ minister who has served at First Congregational UCC in Janesville, Wisconsin, for the past seven years. This Open & Affirming and Immigrant Welcoming congregation has provided the groundwork for her innovative ministry. In her 15 years of ministry, she has served in rural, urban, and suburban settings seeking innovative ways to bring renewal to congregations by focusing on local resources and creating community partnerships.
She and her husband, Sriram, a South Indian Iyengar, are celebrating 25 years of marriage together this year and have raised their two children in both Hindu and Christian traditions throughout their lives. Tanya’s doctoral research on 56 couples from multiple faith traditions worldwide focused on how Multicultural Interfaith couples are social change agents and peacemakers in their communities.
Storyteller, Inspiring Stories: Raising Kids in Interfaith Families
Moderator, Inspiring Stories: Interfaith Family Life Across Three Generations