The Bahá’í­ View of the Environment

The Bahá’í­ View of the Environment

Nature as a Divine Trust

For over 20 years, the Bahá’í­s of the United States have worked with others to advance environmental awareness and sustainable development. Much of their inspiration comes from the Bahá’í­ sacred writings, which convey deep respect for the natural world and the interconnectedness of all things.

Bahá’í­s view nature as a divine trust that reflects the qualities and attributes of God and thus should be cherished. As in other faith traditions, Bahá’í­ calls believers to be stewards of the environment.

Pivotal Principles

Bahá’í­ teachings also stress that sustainable development depends on ethical and spiritual principles that foster economic, social and environmental well-being. Pivotal among these principles is humanity’s oneness. This unity is the fundamental spiritual and social truth shaping our age. Such a comprehensive vision of a global society is needed to inspire individuals to take responsibility for our common future.

Read about the Baha’i faith