Rick Sforza

Jan 18, 2022

Imam Amiin Al-Musaddiq

Rick Sforza is a spiritual director, photographer, veteran, and co-facilitator of an anti-racism workshop. He worked for more than 30 years as a photojournalist, journalist and photo editor. During that time, Rick discovered that simply listening to a subject helped put them at ease and yield better stories and photos. As a military photographer, he also served as a mental health coordinator for airmen returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. He again saw the benefits of deep listening for veterans recovering from moral injury and PTSD.

After retiring from the military, Rick discovered spiritual direction as a way to continue supporting vets. He currently serves as a staff member for year one of the Center for Spiritual Development’s The Art of Spiritual Direction program. Rick also attended Suzanne Edwards-Acton’s My Work to Do workshop and became a co-facilitator. The program is an “online affinity group designed to help white people build stamina for discussing racism, systemic injustice, racial healing, reconciliation, and justice in their everyday lives.” Rick’s experiences have coalesced into a practice of holding space for other white people who are working their way through their own internalized biases and racism.


Storyteller: Exploring the Injustices of Racism