Parshan Khosravi

Oct 28, 2022

Parshan Khosravi is an Iranian American of Zoroastrian faith who is currently a candidate for the city council in Laguna Hills, California. He has over a decade of experience in education advocacy and currently serves as the California Policy Director for uAspire, a national nonprofit focused on higher education access and economic mobility.

A double alum of the University of California, Parshan received his Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Education Sciences from UC Irvine and his Master’s Degree in Public Policy from UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs.  As a devout Zoroastrian, he spends most of his spare time organizing with his faith community at local, national, and global levels. In July 2022, Parshan received the coveted Rising Youth Award at the World Zoroastrian Congress in New York.

Speaker: Inspiring Stories Election 2022 – Where Do We Go From Here?