Khulood Madany

Jun 3, 2021

Khulood Madany

A Los Angeles native, Khulood Madany identifies as a citizen of the world, having spent her formative years in Jordan, The Gambia, and Belize. She graduated with honors from USC with a dual degree in accounting/business administration. Khulood then launched her corporate accounting career at KPMG, earning her CPA. A fierce champion for impactful conversations surrounding race, equity, inclusion, and representation, Khulood served during her KPMG tenure as Co-Chair of the African American Network. Currently at NBC Universal, she spearheaded and serves on the Finance Inclusion and Action Committee.

Khulood is an activist to her soul. Her passion focuses on global empowerment of Muslims to reclaim the strength in their Islamic identity. Having lived and observed Islam in cultures including Arab, African, Caribbean, and Southeast Asian, she is channeling her unique lens and experiences in a YouTube project, ImmortallyKhulood. A primary impetus for the project has been to open the door to racially sensitive and difficult issues she has seen in many Muslim communities. A coach and mentor to diverse professionals, Khulood serves on the UMMA Community Clinic board and previously was on the Norman Topping Governing Board at USC.