Trouble in Families: Abrahamic Texts Panel Discussion
Sunday, January 25, 2015 , at First Congregational Church Los Angeles, The Guibord Center ‘turned religion inside out’ with a panel discussion of the Abrahamic Texts, shedding light on some of the difficult and troubling texts of the major Abrahamic faiths: Christianity, Islam and Judaism.The focus of the selected texts was family, a theme that will continue through the 2015 program year for The Guibord Center.
The Very Reverend John Bakas, Dean of St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral, Rabbi Suzanne Singer of Temple Beth El in Riverside, and Imam Jihad Turk, President of Bayan Islamic Graduate School are the faith leaders who formed a panel moderated by the Rev. Scott Colglazier of First Congregational Church Los Angeles.
The Guibord Center – Religion Inside Out was created so people can experience the expression of goodness and peacemaking inside all wisdom traditions. We bring people together to challenge the assumptions that denigrate others in the name of faith. We create opportunities to experience religious signs, symbols and practices first-hand. And we craft beautiful public events that allow people to gather around timely issues of great importance and share in deep healing and joyful celebration.