Sister Joan Chittister, OSB

Joan Chittister is an internationally known writer and lecturer, one of the most articulate social analysts and influential religious leaders of this age. For over 30 years she has dedicated herself to advocating for universal recognition of the critical questions impacting the global community and has received numerous awards and recognition for her work. Courageous, passionate and charged with energy, she is a much sought after speaker, commentator and clear voice across all religions.

A Benedictine Sister of Erie, Pa., Sister Joan is the author of over 50 books. Among her latest is Following the Path: the search for passion, purpose and joy from Random House. Her book The Monastery of the Heart supports a new movement by her Benedictine community to share their 1500-year-old spirituality with modern-day seekers across a wide spectrum of spiritual traditions. Sister Joan serves on the Advisory Council to The Guibord Center.

To be consistently gentle and kind in the way we deal with people is a greater gift than any other gift we have to give. We often talk about “loving one another.” It might be far more real and far more impacting to simply be kind to one another. Or, as the Talmud says, “Deeds of kindness are equal in weight to all the commandments.” ~Joan Chittister,Aspects of the Heart
Having the faith to take life one piece at a time … to live it in the knowledge that there if something of God in this for me now, here, at this moment … is of the essence of happiness. ~ Sister Joan Chittister,ILLUMINATED LIFE Wisdom for Seekers of Light
Joy gives us strength for the unknown. It leads us into the emptiness of life with hope in the God of surprises and with a smile on our faces. ~Joan Chittister, The Breath of the Soul
Spirituality is about coming to consciousness of the sacred. It is in that consciousness that perspective comes, that peace comes. It is in that consciousness that a person comes to wholeness. ~ Sister Joan Chittister,  ILLUMINATED LIFE Monastic Wisdom for Seekers of Light
Life is not meant to be a burden. Life is not a problem to be solved. It is a blessing to be celebrated. ~Joan Chittister, The Breath of the Soul
Life without a purpose greater than myself is an empty shell. The purpose of life is to do something with others, for others, and because of others that makes the world a better place to be because each of us has been there. ~Joan Chittister, Aspects of the Heart
Everyone has something important to do in life. Right now. Be faithful to the song within you so that its passion can call forth the song of others as well. ~Joan Chittister, The Art of Life: Monastic wisdom for every day
When the darkness of life smothers the song in you, sing even more loudly so that others can hear another melody and follow it. ~ Joan Chittister, The Art of Life: Monastic wisdom for every day.
Life is not one dance; it is many. The trick is to move from one to the other with ease and the faith to believe that more are left to come, all of them meant to teach me more than I ever thought I needed or wanted to know. ~Joan Chittister, The Art of Life: Monastic wisdom for every day