A Spiritual Experience

A Spiritual Experience

 by Christine Budzowski, The Guibord Center

Working as a part of The Guibord Center since its inception in 2010, I have been exposed to many ways people of faith in Los Angeles share experiences that deepen their faith.  Until I experienced prayer in a sacred space that was not my own, in a different form and with various movements, perhaps in another language, I found it hard to conceive of those around me having unique and personal moments of spiritual connection.

I have been taught there is no one set way to pray or talk to God. God shows up for me in many unexpected places, sometimes when I am actively searching and occasionally when I don’t plan an encounter. I am sure we have all had moments when we have felt the Spirit present in unexpected places. These moments make me stop what I’m doing and pay attention. Moments that make me want to freeze time and stay right where I am, soaking it all in. Moments that leave me changed in some small way or even profoundly.

I love spiritual experiences, and I try to be on the lookout for the next opportunity to connect with another person, experience God’s creation in nature, or meditate in the company of my cats. Some of my genuinely memorable spiritual experiences have come through events and concerts offered by The Guibord Center, “aha!” moments when I discovered the palpable presence of the Holy. One such experience happened when I attended “Out of Darkness Into Light,” an interfaith concert with Yuval Ron and his many talented friends.

I had seen pictures of “Whirling Dervishes,” those exotic-looking men in white skirts who spin round and round, making me wonder how they manage to walk a straight line afterward. I was looking forward to seeing my first live performance by a dervish. It was a highly-anticipated part of the concert. But I was not prepared for the experience of watching the spinning dervish, with a backdrop of music and chanting and being transported out of the physical space and into a purely spiritual space.

I have watched the video of that performance, and it doesn’t have the same effect. Being present is the key for me. This is why I look forward to the upcoming event “Every Child’s Life is Sacred, a Concert for Humanity” with The Yuval Ron Ensemble. I am told the dervish will be a surprise. I will not be surprised by an evening filled with spiritual encounters and another fantastic Spiritual Experience.

Here is a link to Out of Darkness Into Light: https://theguibordcenter.org/video-gallery-2/?vimeography_gallery=12&vimeography_video=84613445

Watch the Dervish: https://theguibordcenter.org/video-gallery-2/?vimeography_gallery=12&vimeography_video=563479182



Terry Opalek, Facilitator

Terry Opalek, Facilitator

Terry is the Community Liaison with The Guibord Center. Through his
outreach and development, he is expanding and strengthening The Center’s
network of people, schools, and organizations. This enables The Center to
continue to facilitate interfaith understanding and harmony.

Terry brings over 20 years of development expertise in the nonprofit arena. He is also a successful business owner and entrepreneur. Terry facilitates various workshops, including Compassionate Integrity Training©, a 12-week program designed to cultivate compassion towards self, others, and within
our systems. One of his many passions is saving Monarch butterflies.

Tasneem Noor, Facilitator

Tasneem Noor, Facilitator

Tasneem Noor is the award-winning author of The Faith Connection: Your
Journey Starts with Knowing Yourself; and founder of Noor Enterprises:
SOULful Transformations. As Programs Director of NewGround: A
Muslim-Jewish Partnership for Change, Tasneem has trained over 200
community leaders since 2015 through an 8-month transformational
program that builds healthy relations, productive engagement and social

Tasneem is an Interfaith-Minister-in-Residence with the Episcopal
Diocese of Los Angeles. She is a practicing Muslim woman and has lived in
India, Pakistan, and Dubai. Now settled in Los Angeles, she is the happiest at the

Dr. Lisa Patriquin, Facilitator

Dr. Lisa Patriquin, Facilitator

Lisa has been a professional educator for over 35 years in a variety of fields
that share one common thread: communicating across borders–spiritual,
generational, linguistic and cultural. She has been with The Guibord Center
since its inception in 2010, first serving on the Advisory Council and then as
the staff member in charge of developing school partnerships.

Lisa has co-developed Inspiring Stories, TGC’s online interfaith storytelling series in collaboration with IslamiCity. She is an active leader in the Presbyterian Church and the mother of an interfaith family. Singing and spending time outdoors help her keep the crazy at bay​.

Bishop Mary Ann Swenson

Bishop Mary Ann Swenson

Bishop Mary Ann McDonald Swenson is a retired bishop of the United Methodist Church (UMC). Having recently completed a 9-year term as vice moderator for the central committee of the World Council of Churches, Bishop Swenson has served as ecumenical officer for the United Methodist Council of Bishops (2012-2016), bishop of the California Pacific Conference and supervisor of the Western Jurisdiction Korean Mission (2000-2012), and bishop of Yellowstone and Rocky Mountain Conferences (1992-2000).  During those years she served as president of the church’s Board of Discipleship (1996-2000), president of the General Council on Finance and Administration (2004-2008), and president of the General Commission on Christian Unity and Interreligious Relationships (2009-2012).

In her retirement, she has served on the board of Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice and the advisory council for the Guibord Center.  Currently, she is President of the International Foundation for Ewha Women’s University in Seoul, Korea. She is also a board member of the Ecumenical Trust.

Born in Arkansas and educated in Mississippi with a BA from Millsaps College (1969) (which also awarded her an honorary doctorate years later) and D.Min. from the School of Theology at Claremont, California (1975), she served as a pastor in the Pacific Northwest Conference of the United Methodist Church for 25 years before being elected bishop in 1992.

         She and her husband Jeff were married for 53 years.  He died in 2021.  In their retirement years, they worshiped at Hollywood United Methodist Church where Bishop Swenson serves as bishop in residence.    She has led the church with passion toward becoming a more inclusive community, filled with grace, compassion, and justice, growing in more perfect love of God and neighbor.

Speaker: Inspiring Stories: Irreconcilable Differences