The Take Heart Project

Working together to spread kindness to others

The Guibord Center
brings people together
to challenge assumptions,
embrace the sacred,
and experience the Spirituality
that transforms the world.

Spirituality is the experience of being connected to something larger than ourselves, giving us the sense that our lives have a purpose.

This sacred connection to ourselves, each other, and the earth can be found at the heart of various faiths and spiritual traditions. Just as often, it can be found in Nature, with animals,  and in many other settings.

Wherever it is found, Spirituality serves to make our lives more meaningful, courageous, loving, and resilient.

According to a growing body of research, we are all born with an innate spirituality. The Guibord Center is dedicated to supporting people in discovering that spirituality and reconnecting us to our core.

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Boundless Love

The Guibord Center has an ongoing commitment to make space for people to learn and practice HOW to have conversations that get at what’s really motivating them to hold a particular position on a hot topic—their own position and the position of the person they are speaking with.

There’s a personal story underneath that is worth sharing.   Sharing THAT story builds compassion and a bridge to seeking effective solutions together.

A faith tradition or religion is a set of spiritual beliefs, practices, and rituals that give meaning to followers’ lives. The Guibord Center works with the Baha’i, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Indigenous Spirituality, Islamic, Jewish, Pagan, Sikh, and Zoroastrian communities, partnering with each to experience the Spirituality at their core. 


Religion often takes the blame for being part of the problem, rather than the solution. However, at The Guibord Center, we firmly believe in embodying the core spiritual values found in faith traditions – compassion, respect, understanding, and promoting the well-being of Creation. We consider these values to be crucial in fostering reconciliation, justice, and equal access and opportunities for all.

Our interfaith programs tackle important areas that contribute to a better world. Recent events, such as the Covid-19 pandemic and the violence targeting Black, Asian, and other communities, have heightened awareness about deep-rooted issues of racism, inequity, and injustice.


Explore our diverse range of programs that cater to different interests and needs. Join us in our mission to make a positive impact in the world through our current offerings: Animals, Faith, and Creation; Faith, Women, and Violence; Children, Youth, and Young Adults; Nonviolence and Racism. Choose the program that resonates with you and be part of the change.


Interfaith work at The Guibord Center focuses on building relationships with one another in order to develop a level of trust and a deeper understanding of our shared spirituality.

When we talk about “Religion Inside Out” we mean “religion below the surface” from the personal perspective of those who practice their faith every day. As a result, we get to the heart of faith as we hear stories from those who draw inspiration from their values daily.

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Video Gallery

Since our inaugural event in 2011, The Guibord Center has presented more than 100 free public programs. These programs have included interfaith community events and concerts; lectures on individual faith traditions; small, informal gatherings; and online presentations.

We offer these events as safe, welcoming spaces for all to experience our neighbors’ different views and traditions. Most of these events have been filmed and are available in our video gallery.

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