Blog Posts: Take Heart Video

endawnis spears: Take Heart Now

​endawnis recounts her journey of uncovering a hidden chapter of her family’s history, shedding light on her grandmother’s past—one muted for decades. Her story delves into the painful legacy of Native American boarding schools, where children were forcibly removed...

Dr. Antonios Kireopoulis: Take Heart Now

This conversation in our Take Heart Now series features Dr. Antonios Kireopoulos, the Associate General Secretary at the National Council of Churches USA, who brings people of different religious backgrounds together to explore how they can enrich one another’s work...

Rev. Dr. Tanya Sadagopan: Take Heart Now

This conversation in our Take Heart Now series features Rev. Dr. Tanya Sadagopan, an ordained United Church of Christ minister currently serving in Concord, New Hampshire. Her commitments include inclusive ministries that focus on Open & Affirming covenants,...

Interfaith Youth Alliance: Take Heart Now

This conversation features three high school students from Interfaith Youth Alliance (IYA). Each young storyteller, Rabina, Atousa and Leah, gives us a glimpse into their experience in the world as teenagers and why they are part of the IYA. IYA equips youth with the...

endawnis spears: Take Heart Now

​endawnis recounts her journey of uncovering a hidden chapter of her family’s history, shedding light on her grandmother’s past—one muted...